Seriously... if you're sick, stay home!
Alright... so I realize that it's everyone's best intention to do a good job in life. So, what's the natural thing that people do when they get sick? Well, forget staying in bed and frolicking in your own germ infested blanket, let's go to work, prove your dedication and loyalty, and share your new found micro-sized friends with everyone. That's the right thing to do right?
Seriously.. this is ridiculous. Any sane person who actually cared about their workplace and the health of their co-workers would sacrifice themselves by drowning in their own mucus in the privacy of their viral infested home. Coming to work sick has got to be the most anti-productive action one can take. Not only are you a useless, pathetic, germ spreading baffoon, but you're also -- wait a minute, I already said "useless" and "baffoon"...
GTFO !! And take your germs with you!!!
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